Since March 2015 in Paris and Mauritius
Conceived and developed an image management system integrated into salesforce.
2 years from November 2012 to October 2014 in Paris
Evolved a generic service for challenge management provided to Google, Bank of America, Microsoft, Canal+, PagesJaunes...
One year from in may 2011 to november 2012 in Paris and San Francisco
Conceived and developed a platform to publish book on multi-support (print-web-tablet)
4 months at 16 years old in Brussels
Developed websites in PHP and Flash
2 months in 2015 in Paris
Created a prototype of an offline mobile app synchronized with salesforce.
2 month of internship in Munich during my studies
Developed testing framework for satellite TV box
2 weeks in 2014
In 2014, I trained seven spooners for 2 weeks on Ruby on Rails on heroku in Mauritius.
From 2009 to 2012 in Grenoble and Singapore
Engineering of Information Systems, master degree with mention bien
I learned computer sciences (algorithms, computer architecture, language theory, databases...) and mathematics (probabilities, statistics, analysis,...) I also participated in a research project(link) and made a semester in Singapore.
Before I did Scientific Preparatory class where I studied Math and Physics at lycee ORT in Strasbourg and had my Scientific Baccalauréat Speciality Mathematics, Option Engineering sciences, Mention Bien in Saint-Louis Alsace
I am passionate about software developement techniques particularly test driven development and extreme programming.
I know web technologies and know how to make fast responsive websites.
I know and use git, vim, ubuntu and OSX.
I am very familiar with heroku ecosystem and previously managed virtual servers in production.
I have a strong background in mathematics particularly statistics, probabilities, linear algebra and analysis
English - Fluent
Spanish - I can express myself and understand common situations.
I like to create :
I like to experiment during my free time, here are my last projects
Travelling ( learned Spanish for 4 months in South America)
Improvisational theatre (member of Les imprevus for two years)
Scuba diving and apnea (more than 50 dives)
Volley Ball (played for 10 years)